Prices & Packages

Standard Job

£99 *

Advertise your vacancy online for 28 days
(including logo and unlimited text)

Vacancy emailed to relevant candidates

Promoted on Social Media

Featured Job

£149 *

All the features of a Standard Job Post

Vacancy highlighted in search results on ChimeraRPO

Unbranded advert on lots of other networks

Boosts visibility to potential candidates

Premium Job

£499 *

All features of a Featured Job

Includes an unbranded advert on Total Jobs, Reed and CV Library

Your vacancy will also be promoted on leading aggregators and our social media networks

Applications emailed directly to your inbox

Professional Job

£799 *

All the features of our Premium Job

Includes a branded LinkedIn Premium Advert (live for 14 days)

Gain additional exposure to the professional market

Includes our filtering service and candidate rejection

Applications emailed directly to your inbox

Database Search Solutions

£149 - £799 *

Perfect if you need to hire quickly for candidates and cannot wait for advert responses

Our expert team will support you either on a per vacancy basis (£149) or half day (£449) or full day basis (£799)

We use leading job board databases including LinkedIn Recruiter to access high calibre candidates that match your brief

Candidates sent direct to your inbox or ATS

Interview and hire as many people as you like for one fixed fee

RPO Managed Services

Talk to Us

Free initial consultancy

Short or long-term recruitment support for your business

Saving you time, money and hassle

Ready to work as an extension of your own business

Monthly payment options to suit your budget


* Prices exclude VAT.